
The Catholic attractiveness.

There is not much that makes one even raise the eyebrows anymore.
So true, however, is the word as it is written (2 peter 2:1-2).

To Sweden the Great Prophet (indeed a true prophet) David Wilkerson, ones came. This prophet prophesied as a prophet should with salt and sharpness, and most of the free church Christianity, especially Pentecostalism, thrilled and flushed with pride. The newspapers wrote articles and recordings spread and people were talking about it a long time afterwards ....

Same prophet has prophesied and warned of a rapprochement to the Catholic Church. He said clearly that it should begin as seemingly innocent "dialogue meetings".
So what shall then we say about this? What are the pentecostal leaders doing? The travel to the Vatican in groups and visit the pope. Did not the prophet warn about that?

Many are the wolves who disguise themselves and sneaks into the Lords purified flock.

/Kenneth Mäki.

Is it time for Sweden to pick fights?

At school, one was not very smart if one picked fight with bigger guys.Especially not if one did not have a bigger brother who backed one up.In the 2nd Chronicles 18, we read how Ahab, king of Israel eventually was enticed to go into his death. He was a wicked king who misled the people, it says that he did what was evil more than any king before him. In his arrogance he now wanted to go to war against Syria. and for his help, he wanted Judah king. He called together all the false prophets in the country, about 400 men. They prophesied all what he wanted to hear, he would have success. But Judah king asked if there were any prophet of God left. Yes said Ahab. Micah, but he never prophesy prosperity for me. They, however, decided to call him there. The messenger asked Mika to agree with all the false prophets success statements. But Mika he refused. He spoke what the Lord told him. Accident was decided for Ahab because of all his sins. And so it was. They went to war and despite Ahab tried to disguise himself in battle, he was killed by an arrow shot at random. What kind of country is Sweden today? A Sodom and Gomorrah country. A country of sin, soiling, wickedness, rude sake, cheeky sake, pride, falsehood. The list goes on. Is there anyone left who fear God's Word? Is there anyone left who dares to stand up and speak against the lie? Is there anyone who dares challenge the prophets of Baal? What happened to Sodom and Gomorrah? It perished in brimstone and fire.Now see what is happening. Sin leads to reprimand and ultimately wages of sin is death. God asks, who wants to attract Sweden into perdition?Perhaps there is a way, God repented of the evil he planned several times before, maybe he does it again if this country repents?But what folly! Does Sweden believe that any power in the world can help if God decided punishment?Does Sweden believe that the United States can help? Like Israel believed Egypt could help? (Isaiah 31:1).It is as though everything is now prepared. Sweden has no defense. The people are a blind people.And now God ask who wants to go and pick a quarrel with the great bear in the East? It is not wise to annoy bears, especially newly awakened hungry ones. The fact is too obvious! Do you not see it?One final warning goes out to this country. Repent, stop the perversion of the country before it is too late.


Christian rock music.

Should those who believe in Jesus play and listen to rock, techno, etc, mimicking the peacocks of the secular scene?That the music industry is controlled by an evil spirit power is something most Christian must agree to or?Which scene is so sexified, drug influenced, rebellious, cheeky, irreverent as it? Possibly the theater and film scene, and perhaps the entire art world in general. Today pornographic pictures is considered as high culture.But the music world is a bit special, given the impact it has.Should christians be concerned with it? Should christians have rock star status? Do we need these christian music festivals where young people flock to see and listen to their music idols / heroes? By mimicking the secular scene, with all that entails in terms of dress, movement, etc., etc.?Who will be the central figure / figures? Jesus or the musician / band?All these modern worship with flashing lights and smoke machines and funky music.What happens if the power goes out and all that electric unusable. What is left?Jesus will always remain. But is he interesting for those who come to listen to all the others?I myself do not know. Maybe someone else has the answer? David Wilkerson had his point of view clear on this issue, no doubt about it. It was from the devil.Personally, I wanted to become be a rock star, my childhood was all about music. From the time I woke up until I went to bed. But I never became a musician, the fact is I was never a member of a band.Am I just a bitter old man who now wants to prevent others from having fun and maybe manage to break through? If I could not be the king of rock then no one else should be it either?No, I do not think I am. I hardly ever listen to music today. I write songs though, but I do not know, the music, it feels ... pointless.The reason I bring it up here is a dream I had several years ago, 96 something. Maybe it was a year after I was baptized me. I still wanted to be on the music scene, that was all I wanted.I saw two scenes in the dream.I saw a rock music style scene. It represented all the style I liked, rock, pop, techno, yes, it's the music I like today too. But there were demonic creatures, unspeakable monsters. I had never seen stuff like that before, never thought I would have been able to dream up such a thing myself. Neither in the movie have I ever seen anything like that. But you know, I have now seen it. There is a game called Guitarrhero. Best selling game only 1-2 years ago.I saw them again in that game.The second scene I saw was a worship scene. It was the style of music I did not like, and do not really like that much today either. I have a hard time listening to gospel and praise music. It gives me almost the same nausea feeling as country music. But this scene beamed of power, purity and innocence. I ssaw children praising God.I believe the Lord showed me what to do. I did not really believe it then and still today, I have a little hard to know for sure, though I think I know deep down inside.Here on the blog you can read about the youthwork in Greece we were involved in. There was a lot of music. I do not know if I would do the same today. It was admittedly only unsaved kids that we were dealing with and I'm pretty sure that one should first gain a person's trust before one can preach to him. We had many barriers to break there. As a Protestant believer you are vilified by the whole community. The young people were coming to our gatherings but once parents found out that we were talking about Jesus, then they did not allow them to come anymore. So music was a tool we had to break barriers. But I probably would not let the kids play whatever they wanted if I did the same thing today. I do not know, it's just what I feel now.My experience of my walk with Jesus is that I've have had to change my opinion in many subjects.I suspect that he is now turning me right when it comes to music. As much as I like The Foofighters, so yes, it is not painless. Do I have to give it all up here? But deep down I know that what it represents belongs to another world. They are the heroes of this world and I belong to another world.I belong to Heaven now.


Why do I believe in Jesus?

There was a time when I did not believe in God. It was a miserable time. No self confidence, too much alcohol, half way into the dark bottomless hole of madness .However, in 1991, I got a dream.I saw two motorcyclists come still. They stopped and discussed something, then one of them continued driving and the other followed. But he got stuck with his bike into a barrier and flew over the handlebars. The dream ends there, that I see him flying over the handlebars again and again in "replay".I wake up when the phone rings. It's one of my sisters. She asks me to sit down for something has happened.My oldest sister's son, Krister, who was a year younger than me, had that night been on a motorcycle orientation event. He was engaged in FMCK. They were driving 2 and 2. They had stopped and discussed the map. One of them went ahead and Krister followed. But his bike got stuck in something and he flew over the handlebars and smashed his skull. He died there.Then I knew that there was something more. But I was not a Christian, but thought I was psychic and could start winning money on the lottery. The fact was that at that time I lived above a famous seeress, Saida Andersson. I used to meet that old woman sometimes and thought she seemed sweet. But one night I dreamed that she came into my room. I knew something evil and wrong came in there so I screamed SHOO CAT! She shrank and disappeared. I was very amazed about that dream. I was not a Christian then, but later I read in the Bible that we should not concern ourselves with them. They make the work of the devil. 5 Exodus 18:10 -.About a year passed and my life became heavier and heavier. But then I had a new dream.I dreamed we were carrying a log. It was summer and the sun was shining. The grass was yellow and dry. Behind me was as it looked, my Sister's son (I think he believed in Jesus, he probably got it by his grandparents). I was very tired and thirsty and suddenly I had flown up on the log and now sat there and rested. It was nice but then I realised. What am I doing? Here I sit and being lazy and now he gets to carry the log and me also on top of it all. I quickly jumped down and began to carry. I glanced back and thought he would be mad at me. But he just laughed!Next to us was someone all the time. It was a figure of light, I could not see who it was.That morning when I woke up was the first time I woke up with a great feeling in my chest. As soft clouds danced around there. And something began whispering Jesus in me.Christmas 1993/94, I bought a trip to Tenerife. I wanted to get away, to escape from my loneliness.But it became self-evident no better there. For some reason I one day was walking pastScandinavian Tourist Church. All the people were coming out of church service. A man started talking to me. While we stood there  a family came pass and a young girl stretched out her hand and put it on my shoulder. I wondered why she did so, we had never met before? But when she did it is  a warm feeling spread in my body, and I understood that she was praying for me. (Thank you whoever you are for your boldness). I was then invited to pastors home. We sat there at their kitchen table and they prayed for me and wanted me also to pray for myself. but I thought it just felt awkward so nothing happened there.Later that evening, I awas sitting on the beach. And then and there I surrendered. I began to pray, not knowing how to really. I said: Jesus if you are the truth then come and save me, I had no idea what that word meant, just that I heard one should say so.
I wanted the truth then and there. I was otherwise going to take my life. I did not know what I would become, Muslim, Buddhist or Christian. I just wanted the truth and was willing to accept whatever came.Nothing happened there either so I went back to the hotel. I decided that I would the next day go to the church again and give it one last chance. I would kneel there, and they would pray for me and I would get to experience the angelic choir and see the light streaming down from roof on me, yes, and how I now imagined the whole thing. But if nothing happened, I would put an end to my life.I got into my hotel room. There lay my roommate already asleep in his bed. I had taken an unspecified last minute trip and ended up with this for me unknown person.I undressed me and went to bed. I thought no more of God or something like that, because I had my plan ready.I closed my eyes. I saw him clearly! I see Jesus! I see how he rises from his throne. I am terrified and open my eyes. The vision disappeared. It was just my imagination. I close my eyes again. There he is again! Now he stands up with his arms stretched out welcoming me, and now a light is beginning beaming from his insides. I look at all the details, the shadows in his dress fold, but I dare not really see his face. I get scared again and open my eyes. The vision disappears just as quickly.I'm getting angry at myself. Pull yourself together Kenneth! For the third time I close my eyes. Just as quickly, Jesus is back. Now he is even closer to me, I see only a brilliant man's figure. He shines like the sun!Now I know, it happens for real! One just can not imagine this kind of thing. I'm stone sober and wide awake, I lie there and close my eyes and see Jesus. Now I want to shout and scream but I do not dare because then my roommate will think I've completely lost my mind.I'm just lying there in silence with tears flowing. Eventually it gets so intense so I have to open my eyes.I get up and go and take a shower. I go back to bed. I see nothing. But someone is in the room and leaning over me and blowing on my face. I feel the breeze and hear the blowing sound.Next day I went to church and told them what I'd been through. I do not know if they really believed me. But they gave me a book of John. I had not read the Bible before. Now I read that: Jesus is the light of the world John 1, and in John 20:22 he blows on his disciples and says, receive the Holy Spirit.There, I became a believer. There, Jesus became the truth of my life. There I was saved.The fact is that it has been a long and sometimes bumpy road before I totally wanted to go the way my King Jesus wants me to follow, that's another story that I tell another time.



Vision Woman of the canopy.

(This dream I had on Thassos in Greece the night of 9 June 2009)
Dream about a that new Bible for the Swedish people were introduced.

I saw a convention of some sort. If it was the Social Democrats or the parliament, I could not really decide. They sat in a large hall with stands.

I saw a procession, I think it only consisted of women in brown coats much like those monks have, or nuns. They carried on a stretcher above it and on it lay a woman in the same dress, I heard a voice that said something about "lady" and "canopy", I did not really understand what, so I thought it said "here comes the lady canopy" .

They came to the edge of the stage and the woman they carried on slowly sat up and then got down and started dancing and moving forward. She made a sweeping motion with her arms in front of a curtain which then was pulled away and behind it were a painting. It was a triangle, and it was women piled on each other, and at the top there was a woman with golden curly long hair. I thought they said something about the triangle bible. Apparently there was talk of a new Bible to the Swedish people as I understood it, and the woman in the painting seemed to be some kind of divinity. I experienced it as they had had a working group tasked with developing a new Bible that would fit modern Sweden.

The next day, we sat at some friends house, a British couple living on Thassos. Me and Bob as the man named sat down at his computer and began looking on the Internet. I searched on Google for "wife canopy." I found no such woman, but what I discovered was that the canopy is what Catholics carry on in their processions as:

So it was just like what I saw in my dream, except that the woman was worn on top of a stretcher. So what I maybe heard the voice say was that "here comes our lady on the canopy," or perhaps "under its canopy."

What I understood from the studies I've done,  corpses are borne on a stretcher covered with a canopy. Example: link:

Dreams and visions.

A little of what I had written down on the paper, exactly when I wrote down everything I do not know but it is a number of years ago. Most sights are from 99, some are older.
A lot of them have been about how Sweden being attacked.

* Sweden is a part of something, I saw the NATO star. The number 11 comes up. I understand that it is about JAS aircraft, a vote for or against.

* I wake up and go out. Outside is war, and great confusion. I see the wounded militiamen.
It is night and grenades knocks here and there. Where do they come from? Terrorists. I get a feeling that there are Russians and disappointed immigrants (perhaps Serbs), we are attacked from within (Russians, Serbs in coalition?)

* I'm in my village Juoksengi. Sweden is under attacked. I see JAS aircraft fly over the Torneriver but something happens and they fall like dead flies in the water. No explosions, they just die in flight.
Seeing then craft I've never seen before. They seem like robots, flying soundlessly up and slides near the house, as if they stopped by. New weapons, new technologies. (This was before droones became known).

* Back in my village. We see the Russians coming over the river. My father is really old and decrepit (today he is 86 and spirited, he looked much older in the dream and decrepit). Everyone else has fled, but he is still there and I do not want to leave him alone. We are led out by a soldier against a shed we have in the yard. In it are a potato cellar and down there we will go. I keep thinking that now he shoots us in the back. I glance back and then I see how he makes a hand grenade ready.
It was such an incredible sense of reality in the dream. I knew we were going to die, and it was strange to think that tomorrow I would not be around, well, just people who have been in the situation can understand.

* I saw the Swedes dig large trenches, guarded by soldiers. Then I realized that it was not ditches they dug but probably their own mass graves.

* I see Asian soldiers. Chinese people. A soldier drags out a woman out of the bedroom. He holds her by the hair and cut her throat with his machete. I wake up to the terrible anguish cry.
I experience it as a judgment on fornication in the West / Sweden in particular.

I end with a little more strange dream.
* I dream about internet. It announced a contest "a game". The company with the most powerful computers that wins gets to decide on the internet. It eventually becomes two companies that will share the power on the internet. For one of the companies, I see the name Atarnet (But I'm skeptical about it, perhaps I've seen that name somewhere)


During bible school 1998/99.

I had a dream about Pajala (a village in northern Sweden) and I wrote it down somewhere long ago.
My dream about Pajala was so strange, straight out of the blue. I've never really had much to do  the village even though I come from the area.

I saw a crowd, it was like a mingle party. People stood there with drinks and there was a festive mood. It was as if Pajala had received a boost, some sort of new venture.
People said that now it will be better times. But when I got closer, I saw only hopelessness in their eyes. They knew deep down that the end was near.

I often thought of it all and thought it was a casino that would be built there. Pajala applied for one when these would be established in Sweden. But they got nothing.
But now with the major mining venture (which, however, seems to be one big flop) so it seems that the pieces of the puzzle begin to fall into place. I had also written in parentheses to the country's economy collapsed.

(Now I found the paper I wrote down a bunch visions on)

Kenneth Mäki

My own experience of God's goodness.

This was in the late 90's in my second year at Bible school.
It was a period when I challenged myself to be extra careful with my 10th and
went even further than that. I've always been pretty greedy and find it hard to share with me, I might add.

We were going to Israel on a field trip. I could not afford, I considered. I had just bought a new computer on credit and living on grants. But I told the Lord that I'd go for him. However, I had calculated that I would need 35 000 SEK to pay all my expenses and liabilities in case anything should happen. So I mentioned it to God in prayer before we went to Israel.

After a while after we got back an old prayer lady in our church told me that I would go into prayer and fasting. I followed her advice and fasted and prayed for 2 weeks. In the last day of that period, I got a scripture. Hagai 2:7-9. Once again, I'll come heaven and earth to shake ... mine is all the gold, and mine is all silver.

It was a promise that if I gave myself to the work of God, if I am faithful and obedient, then he'll give me what I need.

Shortly after that, the same day I got a phonecall from my earthly father. Unaware of my prayer, and I do not even think he knew we were in Israel. (He's not as far as I I know a confessing christian), he said. I have won some money in premium bonds and I intend to share with you children.
You'll get 35,000 kr.

Believers be obedient, "bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this".
It does not say that you should first test him. Malachi 3:8-10.
You first take your christian responsibility.

That's seriously what it says there. It says that if we do not give our 10th we are stealing from God!
What awaits a thief? Heaven? 1 Corinthians 6: 9-10

No, no thieves, nor covetous, will be admitted into heaven it says. Thieves maybe we do not have so much of in our context, but how is it with greed?

Be obedient to the end.

Kenneth Mäki

Grief over the trend in Sweden. 

Recently, the debate has been whether pastors in Sweden should get paid.
For a long time the Lord has spoken to me about how bad the situation is among the believers in our country. There is a selfishness and greed. I understand very well that
these discussions get its approval and applauded by all those who want to avoid
their Christian responsibility. But the fact remains! The word is clearly written, but who wants to obey,
Who wants to hear, other than what itches in ones ear?

Bring your 10th, the Lord has said! There are no excuses, I've heard them all and I have
also come up with several of my own, but I understand that I can not continue like that.
We are heading for serious times, Sweden is hanging on the last thread. God has now long warned our country. The sin is great and waste among the believers (That's where the judgment will begin!) It's Alarming!
Now it will start to become clear who wish to comply with the Lord and who believe that the Lord
will abide by them.

I tried to get a writing in the Swedish christian newspaper Dagen. Where I wrote about situation in Greece, were I've been active in a number of years now in different ways. Most pastors there are unpaid. They are often highly educated and prominent in society in general. It may sound good at first glance. However, will it lead to vigorous assemblies? Is it a protection against heresies?
What are people saying about Swedish Church? Have not they the most demanding academic requirements?
What do we say about Swedish Church? Do they understand God's Word? Is not they the forefront when it comes to all of heresy and apostasy? Have they not multitude of priests and bishops who openly denies the biblical truths? Is high social status a thing that impresses upon the Lord? I've hidden it for the wise and learned, and revealed it to the small and simple, it is written. How true is not the word.

Well, back to Greece. In Greece, the protestant churches have no appreciable success.

Dagen, however, published a writing from a Greek (of course) who claim the opposite (of course).

Filmfun with the kids here at Thassos island, Greece.

It is such an inspiration and fun to work with creative people, and especial young ones.
When we moved here I thought sometimes it was madness by me to bring all the equipment I had, cameras, computers and music recording equipments and more..., but now after a year and a half here I see that the inspiration I had that I should do that and that God wants me to work with media (still I do not really know exactly how and what will be) seems to be right.

During the time here I have had the privilege to get to know some youngsters full of creativity and we've been filming and playing music.
Here is exemple of what we've been up to, a film called Travelers By Mistake.
It's in greek but the story is that there is one guy who's got the problem that everytime he sneezes he's transported somewhere and it can be just anywhere. And who ever is near him will be transported also.
(Manus and directing: Thomas Doukinitsas)

Part 1
Part 2

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